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best law college in Multan law college 5 year llb classes in Multan

  5 year llb classes in Multan  ||best law college in Multan 

Last updated on May 24th, 2019

Law Department Official Web

The Department of Law (DoL) is currently running LLB (5-Years) program spreading over ten semesters. The candidates having passed Intermediate / A-level or equivalent examination are eligible for admission. Our LLB degree is in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the HEC and Pakistan Bar Council. It is an academic as well as professional degree in law and legal studies. The courses recommended by the Pakistan Bar Council as basic courses for joining legal profession are part of the curriculum.

The preliminary meeting of the National Curriculum Review Committee of the Higher Education Commission was held in the HEC Regional Centre Lahore from February 24-26, 2011 to review the existing LLB curriculum. Prof. Ahmad Ali Khan, Head, Department of Law, Bahria University was unanimously elected as the Convener of the NCRC in Law while Mr. Salim Sheikh, Principal, Gillani Law College, BZU was elected as Secretary.

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best law college in Multan law college 5 year llb classes in Multan  

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Prof. Ahmad Ali thanked all members of the Committee for reposing their confidence in him as Convener. He welcomed new members on the Committee and hoped that their inclusion in the NCRC will be extremely helpful in finalizing the recommendations of the Committee. The Convener informed that the NCRC in 2004 committed to start off an integrated LLB degree program spreading over 5 years by 2008. The HEC in 2006 with the intent to improve the standards and quality of legal education in Pakistan launched a project to establish a federal National Law University and efforts were made for the improvement of the legal education. He said that 90% of the objectives of the project have been completed and though the project is on hold due to financial constraints and procedures, the experiences gained and lessons learnt are of great implications for the improvement of legal education. The Convener also referred to the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in Pakistan Bar Council v. Federal Government and 9 others (PLD 2007 SC 394) wherein the Supreme Court desired to take steps to introduce a 5-year integrated law degree program and to bring the curriculum of law-degree at par with international standards. He informed that the National Judicial Policy initiated by the Chief Justice of Pakistan has given due attention to the improvement of legal education in Pakistan in its meetings held on April 16-18, 2010 and April 22-24, 2011. In addition to that the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken a suo motu action about the status of legal education in Pakistan. The issue is pending before the Honorable Court. The Convener said that due to the consistent demands of the Pakistan Bar Council for the introduction of an integrated 5-year law degree program and the commitment of the NCRC in law, it was necessary to revise the existing scheme of study for the LLB degree program and to bring it in line with international standards. He said the Committee could also benefit from the work already done under the National Law University project. He informed that the draft curriculum prepared under the NLU has been adopted by many universities with minor changes/modifications. University of the Punjab, LUMS, BZ University, Multan, Uo Sargodha, AWKU, Mardan, Hamdard University, Karachi and Bahria University, Islamabad are already running a 5-year LLB degree program. He placed before the Committee the draft course curriculum prepared under the NLU project and explained its features including the ‘learning objectives’ and the ‘learning outcomes’ of the proposed program. The proposed final draft is fully in-line with the directives of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the recommendations of the Pakistan Bar Council. The HEC standardized format/scheme of studies for integrated curricula for Bachelor’s Degree has also been followed. However, the course contents and teaching methodology of law subjects are slightly different from other disciplines in that the LLB degree is an academic and also a professional degree. Efforts have been made to follow the guidelines and standards of HEC, as nearly as possible.

The details of the breakup of the proposed LLB degree program is as following:

 Â· Eligibility/ Pre-requisite for admission: FA/FSc or Equivalent

· Total number of credit hours: 166

· Duration: 5 years

· Semester duration: 16-18 weeks

 Â· Course load per semester: 15-18 credit hours

· Number of courses per semester: 5-6 Courses

· 10 compulsory courses of 28 credits

· 08 general and non-law courses of 24 credits

· 34 law specific and major courses of 102 credits

· 4 elective courses within the major courses

 Â· The scheme of studies is in accordance with the HEC standards. The Committee developed the final draft curriculum for the proposed 5- year law degree program along with the Learning Objectives and Learning Outcome.

 Â· Brief introductory notes have been prepared for the new courses to be included in the proposed 5-year degree program. The course contents of the law courses already part of the existing curriculum of 3-year degree will mostly remain the same.

 Â· The recommended textbooks and other reading material has been fully revised and updated. The course contents for all compulsory, supportive/ non-law courses along with their breakup and reading lists of textbooks with complete details of the reading material have been prepared. Details for the elective courses may be developed by the universities for the consideration of the NCRC.

· The Committee also discussed the recommendations of the National Judicial Policy Making Committee (NJPMC) on ‘Legal Education’ as approved in its meeting held on April 16-18, 2010 and April 22-24, 2011. 

· The Committee resolved that all universities/ institutions imparting legal education must follow the mandatory or core courses prescribed by the PBC necessary for law students whose degree is recognized by the PBC for the purposes of enrolment as an advocate.

· It was also decided that the universities may include non-law courses according to their focus, need and available facilities. The universities may also include other law courses besides the courses provided in the list of elective courses. However, they must fulfill the mandatory requirements of credit hours/ course duration as per prescribed standards of the HEC. Learning Objectives: The NCRC in Law focused on the Learning Objectives of the proposed LLB degree program. It held in-depth discussions on the questions of the structure and content of the proposed LLB (5-year) degree program and its learning outcome. The participants agreed that the structure and course contents of the LLB degree should be such as to: i. Inculcate in students a broad understanding of the social, political and economic contexts within which the Pakistani and global legal system operates; ii. Equip students with knowledge and understanding of the fundamental doctrines and principles of Law; and iii. Develop the intellectual and practical skills necessary for employment in the legal profession and other careers. Learning Outcome: The participants suggested that the course contents and the teaching methodology should place emphasis upon the acquisition and development of a wide range of intellectual and practical skills of students so that they can analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply conceptual information to practical legal problems. It was agreed that attention is needed to develop the intellectual and practical skills and in particular law students should be able to develop and demonstrate independent thinking, plan and carry out independent research and apply basic legal research skills and research techniques. In addition to that the course contents and the teaching methodology should be such as to; develop the written and oral skills of the students, build their capacity to problem-solving; and expand their knowledge of information technology. The final draft of the curriculum and the course contents spreading over 5- year were considered by the participants. The issues of ‘exit program’ and ‘changing between the degrees’ also came under consideration. There was a consensus to plan for an integrated degree of law at the moment and to develop modalities for other issues including as to how to accommodate individuals who wish to change their fields of studies after enrolment in LLB 5-year degree. It was recommended that such students may approach the respective universities/institutions for transfer of credits/exemptions for other degree programs.

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best law college in Multan law college 5 year llb classes in Multan  

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